We hope you find what you are looking for, if you need any further details please do contact our friendly team!
The first question we ask every potential client is: what do you want to achieve from your event? This isn’t because we’re questioning your reasons for holding a corporate event, it’s because we want to make sure that what we produce for you;
Our internal goals for every event include punctuality, consistency, meeting budget & overall success and we assume you expect those things from us. So when we ask the question, we’re really asking, before you chose to invest in a corporate event, be it staff entertainment, team building, a company party, client entertaining or a 3 day conference, what business goal led you to that decision?
We can often translate a knee jerk response into a SMART objective, and we’re more than happy to sit and have that chat to make sure we’re providing the most relevant products & services to help our clients meet those objectives.
For instance, a nationwide firm of solicitors holding a Christmas Party for the entire company will tell us that their sole objective is fun! And while fun is not something we’re in short supply of, it is something that’s difficult to accurately measure in terms of an outcome. Fun is usually the response from a company that wants to achieve one of the following:
From a shortlist of six possible venues, we proposed Stamford Bridge – the iconic home of Chelsea FC and ideally located with excellent transport links to neighbouring Wimbledon. Most importantly, the venue’s Great Hall provides a magnificent open space for large-scale company events. Rather than being a dedicated function suite, this versatile area gave us the perfect blank canvas on which to stamp the personality and style that would create an unforgettable corporate event.
‘A Night at the Movies’ was the chosen theme to tie in with their internal communications programme, and with the help of creative lighting, star cloth and giant props, the guests were transported to Hollywood for a night of glitz and glamour. Throughout dinner, a series of themed team building games kept them on the edge of their seats. Contestants won prizes using specially-designed scratch-cards, and each movie-themed table competed to win a celebrity face mashup contest. In addition to a pre-arranged celebrity look-alike contest, guests took selfies, which could be immediately uploaded onto the main screen, offering just one of the evening’s many prize opportunities. Following the company’s award ceremony, an eight-piece band and DJ ensured there was no let-up in adrenalin-fuelled activity. Our Event Management team were delighted with the results and enjoyed the evening almost as much as our client’s guests.
If the fun goal is stemming from an intention to thank an amazing workforce, maintenance is or a slight increase/decrease is a likely goal, if it’s an attempt to increase staff morale, perhaps an increase in sales or decrease in turnover is the end objective.
Once we’ve established an objective we can make it Strategic Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound – SMART, and then we can really get stuck in to working towards achieving it, bringing together all of the tools at our disposal specifically designed to produce a variety of outcomes, from educating a sales force on the technical specifications of a new product to establishing team camaraderie in a brand new team or providing an open forum for feedback on company policies and processes.
It does take a little time to establish SMART event objectives in line with company goals but the resulting impact on how well your event is planned and executed is well worth the thought and effort and we’re more than happy to help guide our clients through that tat process.
For a number of common objectives we provide free evaluation tools for live measurement on the day & post-event analysis and for more complex objectives, we can work with you to create a method of monitoring, measuring and analysing performance against objectives during and after your event.
Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you construct and manage SMART objectives for your next corporate event.