Little Free Library
The perfect option for values driven organisations and book worms!
- Duration: 90-120 minutes
- Requirements: One table for every team of 5 guests
- Group Size: 4 -250
At the beginning of the session guests will receive a powerful educational presentation to help them better understand energy poverty and the effects it has on people around the world.
In teams of 4, participants will collaborate to assemble a ground breaking energy and digital access solution (a Student Buddy). Our expert event managers will guide the group on the build and assembly of the units. Then, importantly, all guests will be able to connect with a child living in energy poverty via a hand written letter of encouragement. All letters are packaged as a gift with the devices.
What is this device? A StudentBuddy is a sophisticated and powerful lightweight solar system incorporating USB charging capabilities. This provides safe, clean, sustainable lighting that will transform lives! Get your team to ‘power up’ as you are taken on a journey that addresses energy poverty and be involved in the important social aspect of helping to tackle this global issue through this team activity.
Join us for an inspiring event aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) – a great opportunity for companies dedicated to community support and meaningful social impact. This immersive experience educates teams on the issue of energy poverty and highlights their potential to contribute to real-world solutions.
Event Highlights:
This unique experience not only fosters team spirit but also leaves a lasting positive impact by bringing light and learning resources to those who need them most.
Since launching in 2016, SolarBuddy has gifted hundreds of thousands of solar lights, illuminating the lives of nearly 1 million people across 19 different countries.
Each Student Buddy device combines robust durability, modular flexibility, and sustainable technology into a highly adaptable design that meets the needs of communities in a practical and impactful way. Crucially the device also doubles as a USB charging port, which is incredibly beneficial when it comes to powering mobile devices and multiple other forms of modern technology – which the fortunate amongst us take for granted, but can be a real hardship for those living in remote and/or disadvantaged communities.
What’s Included:
• Delivery of unassembled Student Buddy kits
• Educational presentation and facilitation of the event from start to finish
• Collection of assembled Student Buddy lights and written letters
• Quality control of Student Buddy devices
• International shipment of Student Buddy devices and personalised letters to a country in energy poverty
• Distribution of Student Buddy devices and letters into the hands of children living in extreme energy poverty through our in-country NGO partner
Where do you need the venue?
The perfect option for values driven organisations and book worms!
A highly unique and rewarding activity, that will see your group assemble solar-powered lights for the benefit of children living in energy poverty.
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